8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

The Stereo 8 also introduced the problem of dividing up the programming intended for a two-sided LP record into four programs. Often this resulted in songs being split into two parts (the split was often made during an instrumental break or a repeated chorus), song orders being reshuffled, shorter songs being repeated, and songs separated by long passages of silence. Some eight-tracks included extra musical content to fill in time such as a piano solo on Lou Reed's Berlin and a guitar solo in Pink Floyd's Animals

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

8 Track Tape Players

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